πŸ’ΌSeeker Wallet

Truth Seekers will be creating their own wallet named the Seeker Wallet.

The Seeker Wallet is a proprietary software that will notify the user of the risk of interacting with a high risk wallet address or contract. This is an added security feature that only Truth Seekers can provide. This is possible due to a database compiled by Truth Seekers, that knows which wallet addresses have histories of nefarious activities. This is a service provided by Truth Seekers for the low cost of $0.03 per transaction.

The risk factor will be notified by a low, medium, or high-risk alert before each transaction. A low-risk score is given to wallets with a clean history, a medium-risk score will be based on payments to apps such as Tornado Cash for $100 or less, while a high-risk score will be known scam, terrorist, or money laundering wallets. We will also be monitoring wallet age to mitigate new wallet creation.

As of Q3 2022, Meta Mask has over 30 million monthly users, and we expect the Seeker Wallet extension to have over 1 million downloads by 2024. As further regulation inevitably comes, the demand for not only a secure but SAFE alternative will vastly increase. Only the Seeker Wallet, will be able to protect its users BEFORE connecting which will make it a top security deterrent.

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